DIY 乾洗手 (DIY Hand Sanitizer)


最近的 H1N1 在全世界各國無一不傳出緊張的氣氛
當然啦 戴上口罩 和 勤洗手 就成了平民最基本的預防病毒的必備~
今天看新聞 已經有 DIY 達人 秀出 DIY 乾洗手的方式及成份
讓我們一起來看看 如果有興趣的朋友可以自己來做做看喔~~~
祝大家在這樣的非常時刻 身體健康 !!!!!!!


May 01, 2009 09:36 PM | 56 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 0 0 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 | 打印 | 文章連結

自製乾洗手 成本低 殺菌力強

民視 更新日期:2009/04/30 11:01



不過,乾洗手乳到底要怎麼DIY呢?DIY達人說,民眾只要準備 45毫升,約4大匙的蘆薈保溼凝膠,加上58毫升濃度95%的酒精,再滴上2CC的茶樹精油,再加入少許的水,將酒精濃度稀釋到75%,攪拌一下就可以製作完成100CC的乾洗手乳。


[ 替代方案 ]

68ml 藥用酒精加入2ml茶樹精油 再加到 20g 的蘆薈膠 及 10ml 的水內揺勻即可, 三分鐘完成。


自動潔手機補充液:一瓶90ml的75%消毒用酒精 (或95%藥用酒精75ml加25ml水),再加入5ml蘆薈萃取液和5ml的甘油,滴入總數20滴(約1ml)的茶樹精油,充分搖晃後,作為消毒抗菌兼具保濕護手之用。

護手抗菌乳液: 總數20滴的茶樹精油,滴入一瓶100cc護手霜或乳液內,充分搖晃後,形成抗菌護手保護膜。


Hand contact spreads 80% of infections. For each minute of the work
day, you touch an average of 30 objects. There are over 20,000 germs on
every square inch of your desk, which is almost 400 times the amount
found on toilets. Approximately 3000 bacteria lurk on your hands.
Women’s hands harbor a more diverse variety of microbes than those of

These unsettling statistics are enough to make germophobes out of us
all. But, you can’t very well run to the bathroom every five minutes to
wash up. That will get you an interesting reputation around
the office. So save yourself some money and help the environment, too,
by making your own sanitizers. These antiseptic gels can easily be
concocted using basic household items.

In a small bowl, mix ¼ cup each of pure aloe vera gel and grain
alcohol with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. To make it smell less
pungent, add 5 drops of your favorite fragrance oil. Using a funnel,
pour this blend into a bottle small enough to stash in your purse.
(Rinse out an empty tube of makeup or lotion to make use of waste.)

Now, what about your contaminated desk? Don’t even think about buying a can of Lysol! Here’s an all-natural alternative:

Pour ¼ cup each of tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil
and white vinegar into a spray bottle. Add 2 cups of distilled water
and shake well. Clean your work space using this blend every evening
before you go home to disinfect surfaces.

For more tips, check out Mike’s green guide to chemical-free cleaning.
